I had a simple and quiet birthday dinner at Old Town White Coffee at Puchong, had wanted to dine at the Kinrar Golf Clubhouse but it was not open to the public anymore.

situated near Giant supermarket and at a still unopened business centre, this Old Town has an impressive facade built to look like, well, "old town"

nice neighbourhood

reminds me of the french inspired buildings in Phnom Phnen, Cambodia

Nice right? I reccomend you come here to soak up the old town feel

son marched upstairs and chose this spot

dunno where Emelda went

Bookworm curls up with a book anywhere

Best birthday present: son has finished his studies and start work next week!!!

mouthwatering food: oversea pple, run, don't walk (or fly) here for these yummy yummy..

food and drinks...only in Malaysia

the menu..pssst ....he photographed EVERY page, but I present to you 2 pages only

only the five of us for dinner (5th person behind the wheel..oops...the camera)

check out the view behind us..check out this good camera!

she is my birthday present....born 15 July...do the math....that's 9 months after my birthday!

do I still look good? Can I still have another "accident"?

she has been around even before she was born

I asked you to check out the view.....breathtaking sun down view from our balcony

all my daughters outgrow me when they are in Std 5 onwards

food! kon loh meen, minced meat rice

giant prawn mee hoon mee, ipoh sar hor fun, background minced meat rice and dumpling soup

curry chicken mee, prawn mee and condiments

then we went back for cake Black Forest from Secret Recipe

Don't think I am still young, I merely chose the photos that make me look young!!!! because I am too lazy to photoshop them!
Bye!!!! Happy Birthday to me!!!
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