The next morning we gathered at the kitchen counter again for breakfast which was provided by the maids at Enderong house. (First few pics are blurred due to my grogginess, from then on, the pictures are all unresized, so click on them to see them in all their glory).

Where's breakfast? The maids bought for us roti canai, nasi lemak bungkus and dhal curry!

Nom Nom! (this word is now in the dictionary, coutersy of Elmo or is Cookie Monster?)

Emma Lyn is always camera shy and dashes for cover when the camera is trained on her!

Eldest daughter and youngest son.

So wonderful...breakfast on the verandah with a view!

Then for a spot of "yoga"

So the far end....fussing over the baby.

Hong Leng, emkumar(5th Aunt) and Tai Koo

Then we posed for a group shot: Serious!

"Un" serious!

Then we split into two groups: one followed Wai Yim

The other went on a hike with him.
RAINFOREST EXPERIENCE : Tanarimba Forest Reserve, Janda Baik, Pahang
Escape the concrete jungle....
get into the rainforest
Tel 012 219 1377

These are his pets: Larry and friend the Leech

Bug on the ground

Cabbages at the organic farm

Gravity defying house

What we bought from the farm

Another post will be done only on the organic farm!
After that we all went back!!!
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