On 31st December which was a public holiday declared by Prime Minister for winning the football cup by the Malaysian team, I took my daughter for Form 1 orientation and then hopped onto the bus bound for Singapore!!!! My husband who had a holiday fetched us to Bangsar to catch the coach.

Nice landscaped entrance of secondary school, her big sister's alma mater.

With the private school fiasco behind her, she sportingly settled in.

Parents and students milling about.

My old friend! She is now at this new school

My girl went to the Koperasi to get her track bottoms and Ts.

She was late from the cooperative so she sat behind.

HM and PIBG chairman.

Ha ha ha!!! We are now at the highway stop enroute to Singapore!!!

Being a true blue Johorean, (I also spent 5 years at a Johore kampung school, where I had Javanese mee, soto, mihun soup etc) I must have mee rebus.

Then she curled up with her Vampire books inside the comfy and spacious bus. She said that this seat would have been the First Class seat at the local airline, just fancy that!!!
Ooooh my old school! Dont dare to count how many years its been since i left. Ask Mel where is my old trackpants. I only want to keep the one that has the words BBGS on the side. I do not want to keep the one with the words SMK SBU, she can wear it if its not too big
she has already bought new track bottoms.
Papa like SmkSbu!
Yerrrr SBU so good meh?
Small Ah E says private school is better. I told her about how Papa hates private schools, even during my time
Can have 2 pairs of tracks. Msia so hot, if need to wear two days in a row, its good to have 2 pairs
SBU also good. It is not the school but the person. I trust that Jen will be successful in any school that she goes:)
She is a very good girl, after she cried to her heart's content, she did not make any more fuss after that. She has accepted being in SBU.
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