Have been very busy lately with MUET oral and exam season and running around to many places/schools. First I had the meeting at Jln Ipoh Girls' School right and the end of Jalan Ipoh. Had been there last year but if I have to go to a school once a year, I would have forgotten how to get there agian!

This is SMK Raja Ali, I had been here in the 90's for a Living Skill project (when they first introduced Kemahiran Hidup, yup, that long ago!!) So I am back in this after I think 15 years.

Of course, I had forgotten how to get there or what the school looks like! All I remembered was that I had to go into a housing estate to get there.

No parking lots. this is also the assembly area.

So I parked my car outside the low wall, You can see my car!

the view from upsatairs corridor where the exam will be conducted.

Beautiful landscaped grounds with gazebos

I liked the low corridor wall and the low perimeter gate because you can see at a glance what the students are up to outside the school and which baddies are loitering and lurking around. I found it funny that there is a Chinese restaurant right in front of the school. I was told there was a noisy lion dance during Chinese New Year there.

I am also not afraid to park my car outside because you can see my car and no one will dare to crash my car window.

My next school is SMK Sri Pantai. And the teacher's canteen!!

It is called the cafeteria or D'Cafe!!

I had ulam with salted egg and fried fish!!!

Sri Pantai School is near Bangsar South,

Can you see the wall fountain? Its flowing water mesmerise me everytime I wait at the traffic lights. It is like any infinity wall.

SMK Sri Pantai is situated near PPR kg Kerinchi. (Kg Kerinchi low cost flats)

Terrence the discipline teacher with some recalcitrant students. Everyday he is around with his cane and helps me to find a parking place for my car. I found a very good spot for parking once and he ran to me.."That is the headmistress' SPOT!!!" OMG, ha ha ha!

After 3 days in SMK Sri Pantai, we had to send all documents here: (below)

So used to coming here now! Can even drive blind-folded in the dark (we have to come here at 6.30 every morning!)

Parking here is also a nightmare! (This is the outside.)

Yesterday morning was the written exam and I found myself the only teacher that is to be in charge for my school. Sigh! So I was here at the crack of dawn to open the hall and run around seeing everything was in order for the kids and the teachers. It was even worse the day before, the teachers who came to check my centre made me run around even more to fulfil their needs!!
Here my students are going up after Aizat has read the doa.(Once in MBS I made Pn Loh say the prayers for the students before they went up for their exam, every prayer helps!) See the tyre thingie exam sign? Luckily Hee, my student helped me to carry this heavy sign here. During my relief class 4Science 1 and 2 girls helped me to arrange the tables and chairs and stick the exam slips on the table. I realised I have been very pampered in MBS because I had never done such work before!

When I went to the toilet, I found this in the sink!!! Someone had the time to take a ciggie break in between papers and I hope it is one of the private candidates!!!

All these CD players are on my sitting room floor. Call it kiasu or kiasi, but I had borrowed 3 sets plus two sets of my own for 3 classes of listening tests!! Only the 3 big ones were loud enough to be used!!
1 comment:
Hahha the red one! Which i used to listen to CDs and Hitz.fm when i was studying for SPM and first 2 years of uni
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