Who is this with his babyhood smelly pillow!!! I cannot imagine a form 2 boy bringing a pillow!

Deep in studies oblivious to surroundings and cleaning lady is.........
none other than Michael Fork, fitting in some revision for Monday's Trials.....
Below someone's lost..
The 100 year one and only old lift that still works...you can see the shaft behind and the car riding up and down, that's what the boys were all looking at, the sua koos

The boys' rooms..many rooms adjoining, with dark unused rooms and nooks and cranies...
I was dragged to an abandoned room where out popped ...The Scream!!!
The room downstairs and the hallway looked like railway platforms...the halls had natural lighting (no need for artficial lights and air con)with skylights and air vents where you can actually see the real railway platforms and trains!!!! Antique, ancient, antiquated ,OLD!!!!
Here the four of us chaperones having our dinner at the "reseved table"...before we went to SMI to catch the play..."Warlord of Terror" (please see earlier post)
So free, nothing to do and nowhere to go before dinner(no hawkers and stalls in the vicinity) so I had foot reflexology. Not exactly what you call spa like and if you are not squeamish about the lack of hygiene and fancy oils, sit back and enjoy the ride! RM20 for half hour sessions.....no need to book too, they entertain walk ins...and no Chinese nationals too!

Pn Pauline is always saying: Pn Tay take my picture, Pn Tay put up the photos in FB fast!! While the debate boys battled it out with the Michaellians at the SMI library, we Ipoh Paraded....

At night we went for supper!!! I cannot name the place but it was near Syuen Hotel and Excelsior...we did not have Taugeh Chicken or Ipoh Sa Hor Fun, but we had these......
Next morning, we had to go to St Michael's again because Ave Maria Convent was not receiving visitors due to the H1N1 scare, much to the chagrin of the boys.
This is the boy who acted as Kuo the Imperial Scholar and he is only in Form 2!
Wei Loong is very fascinated by the word erection which used to have an inocuous meaning
The boys dashing across the road because it won't do to keep the bus driver waiting! The most grumpy, fierce and unpredictable bus driver we have ever met! Always complaining: "Now I have not enough rest, fetch you here, fetch you there....tonight I am not fetching you for supper again!!!" Hello? Isn't his job to fetch us here and there????
The only tourist spot that the bus driver very kindly offered to take us was the Perak cave

On the last night, we had to walk out because Mr Bus Driver need to have enough sleep....we saw this Indian festival on the streets of Ipoh....btw Ipoh's one way streets had rows of cars that dashed when the lights changed, the boys and me!! had to run for our lives across the road!!!!

The last food and biscuit shop before we head home....pomelos are a must: rombongan ke Ipoh tak sah kalau tak beli buah pomelo.....RM7 for a small sweet one.
The Kuala Lumpur skyline!!!!HOME! HOME!! Muah! Muah!!!! I heart KL!
Heh! Heh! I found some old Ipoh photos circa 1994 and by a great coincidence we stayed at Majestic too!!!!! Errr, what do you think of my 90's hairdo and gaudy costumes!!!Fashion faux pas!!! My 2 kids were so puny then, and the drama and debate boys were still being born, some already running around naked.

The verandah were verandahs (serambi) then, now it is full of cafe tables and chairs where the boys had their catered meals...the pic above looks like the one I stayed hor.

The Steak House at the Ballroom, now defunct.. where we had great steak meals
Majestic Ipoh.....Ipoh Railway Station........St Michael's Institution...Ipoh, Ipoh,warlord of terror...........................................................................................................................................IPOH
Mom! That's u in the mirror?!
U look so slim n shapely! =)
Thats ur foot massage when u smsed me?
Oh noooo, the picture of me lying down! So ugly! Hahahah
must be that outfit....had to suck in tummy like mad lor...ha.ha ha!!!this foot massage done by woman, the other one I had done by man!!!!
Nvm lah, you were only a little girl..can delete if you don't like it......
Gosh!! what happened to the photos? cannot be seen at all???
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