Last week, my hard disk crashed! The screen went blank and could not restart. When my hubby came back, he found that the fault lies with with hard drive!!! HORRORS!!! All my Hong Kong photographs that I had not labelled and put in the folder were gone!

Thoughts of sending the laptop for repairs at the shop brought to mind the horror and predicament of Edison Chen who kept very very PRIVATE photos of himself and his lovers....they became very, very PUBLIC!!!! ER, not that I keep naughty pictures or sorok some soft porn vids here and there! and I am no starlet so nobody wants to see compromising pictures of an old me!!!

So my hubby did it himself.

Lost many man hours installing a new hard drive and trying to get back old files, and on company time too. Luckily "company time" is his own time.

Exshauting time recovering whatever files that could be retrieved.

Over the years, I had accumulated a lot of junk and also tons of photos.

Miraculously, some hitherto lost files emerged and could be saved.

The sad part was, he had always backed up files by saving it on external hard disc, but lately, I had taken too many photos and he had not had time to back them up yet. So, all those were in danger of being lost!!

All these are my Hong Kong albums plus the Malay Wedding for Aina Baharuddin which me and my daughter attended on Sunday after coming back from Hong Kong. Aina has been asking for the wedding photos on Facebook!

I always cut and save the photos on my laptop and I have no other copies of my photo albums!

Except maybe take the pictures of Hong Kong from my students and my blog (but the blog pictures have been resized to smaller pixels).

As of today, most of my Hong Kong pictures are saved, except some are still missing (Lantau Island, Penthouse Dinner, and Aina Baharuddin's friend's wedding).
Yerrrrr, i never liked cut n paste!!! So scary. If i wanna clear my camera memory card i would make sure i have 3 copies of the photos first!
i cut and paste because i used to have so many copies of the same folders of photos, in my thumbrive, on my desktop,on my pc, on my lap top, even in the school pc, so now i only cut and paste in red lap top unsafe hor?
Ya! So unsafe, u need to be more organized! =P heehhehe
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