My favourite student Amirul, had an accident during the Prophet Muhammad's Birthday holiday when he went on a visit to Broga orphanage. While negotiating a bend, he drifted, but skidded, and sustained a broken ankle. So on a Friday, while the men and boys went for Solat, we went to visit Amirul.

We are at his grandmother's bungalow, as his house is under renovations.

Here is our hero with his granny. You all must see my Xray exposures.

His mum brings out his trophies: two large negatives from Pantai hospital.

Everyone is enthralled.

X ray shows two titanium screws inside his ankle.

Aren't they awesome?

Amirul with his prized pics.

He hurt his leg because he saved his motorcycle first! His bike even has a name: "Baby C"

His classmates and 2 teachers.

He will be out of action for a few weeks!
my craziest junior in school . hope he will get well soon . aminn .
surely he proud with his self !
hope he will get well soon too~
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this is my blog url..
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